Saturday, November 14, 2009

Samsung Dual Oven Bt621fst

parallel civil society forum at the World Summit on safety Food 17novembre

Central themes of the Forum
1. Who decides on the food and agriculture? Where decisions are taken
The global food crisis is a crisis of governance systems
food. Decision making on agricultural and food policies are increasingly
places beyond democratic control, thus serving in
especially the interests of corporations and economic elites,
the North and the South
The international financial institutions have focused too much in their hands the power
decision, thus imposing policies that have undermined the sovereignty
national and regional food. Decades of deregulation with
food and agriculture policies guided by the corporation
led to egregious violations of the right to food. This block will discuss the theme
need to change the current rules and procedures that govern the issues
nutrition, how to allocate / use existing resources, to work for
a new governance of food systems based on human rights, both at the level of
single States and globally (such as the newly reformed
Committee on World Food Security - CFS - of the FAO).

2. Who controls the resources of food production?
The lion's share of food is produced by women, agricultural workers and small producers
. But at the same time, these are dramatically
losing access to and control over resources that produce food, how
the land, water, seeds, fishing areas, etc.. The anticipated profits that come from the business
of agricultural exports, the increase in
agricultural fuel and rising food prices have
sparked strong demand for land and water to expand
monocultures and the agricultural industry. This development, along with other factors such as armed conflicts
, extractive industries, tourism, infrastructure projects
and accelerated urbanization, led to
violent expropriation of rural communities and the widespread employment
of the earth. All this is happening in a world with an already altered
pre-existing distribution of land, mostly inherited from colonial times
. This thematic bloc will discuss how one can defend
expropriation of land and how to ensure that the right to
land is respected equally.

3. How food is produced? Current models of
Industrial agriculture, fisheries and livestock breeding
promoted by the agribusiness corporations, many governments
and several international institutions are the main culprits of climate change
because of their dependence on fossil fuels
and other chemicals that release high greenhouse gas emissions.
They also cause changes in land use
destruction of forests and watersheds, soil degradation and depletion of water supplies
and fishing areas. The extreme changes in the
climate and natural disasters associated with climate change are
worse, and this is manifested in the loss of arable land, in
changes in natural conditions of growth,
in the destruction of livelihoods, and the reduced availability of food. This theme will examine what
block production patterns
related to agriculture, fisheries and livestock and related policies
which should be taken to cool the planet and reduce the vulnerability of people
to address climate change, and how women
, indigenous peoples, peasants, fishermen, farmers, rural communities and urban
can help solve the climate crisis and ensure food availability
an appropriate point of view of sustainability
and culture for all respecting the right to food.

4. Who has access to food and those who need it?
With half the world's population currently lives in cities,
the question of how to feed the urban communities in a way that is sustainable and
that guarantees the right to adequate food
is certainly the most urgent. While the needs of urban and rural
are often treated as a separate issue, the reality is that these
are closely linked to this problem. The same motivations that are driving
peasants and indigenous peoples off their lands
is causing increasing rates of food insecurity and pandemics
due to the diets in cities around the world. This thematic bloc
will reach an agreement with the associations on how urban and rural
ensure access to food for all.
proposals will be discussed on how to protect people in war zones and how to organize food aid
respecting the principles of food sovereignty.
will then investigate the problem of countries dependent on food imports and
who have few reserves of natural resources and will be taken into account
effective and sustainable ways to meet their food needs
. _______________________________________________


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