Saturday, March 12, 2011

Orkester Sound Bank Empty


Here are some:

meetings, convocations, Autoconvocate, invitations, meetings, appointments, details , notes, communications, leadership, technical meetings, letters, demonstrations, sit-ins, strikes and revoke it.

For what? To get what? To get what? To get what?

July 18, 2007. STRIKE OF THE REGIONAL WORKING AND FORESTRY WORKERS. Link. Score: Agreement of July 18. (see "Memorandum of Understanding").

October 15, 2007. Meeting with the President of the Region Cuffaro on the forest dispute. Link.
Score: Agreement of 15/10/2007. (see "Memorandum of Understanding").

October 16, 2007. SICILY REGION AND UNIONS AGREE DDL to complete the reform. Link.

October 29, 2007. Working Table on Agreement of 15.10.2007 at Department of Agriculture and Forestry. Link.

December 13, 2007. Forestry Summit in Rome between the trade unions in Sicily, the Regional Agriculture Minister De Castro and Alderman. Will be set up in January, a technical committee at the Ministry of Agriculture to find solutions to the problem enhancement of the work of about 15 000 forest, with the passage of 101nisti to 151 and 151nisti indefinitely. Link.

December 13, 2007. Agreement of 13 December. (see "Memorandum of Understanding").

January 10, 2008. Fai, Flai Uila of Sicily and demand an urgent meeting Alderman Way for the forestry sector. Link.

January 23, 2008. Forestry Unit letter to Dr. De Luca to discuss the program in 2008. Link.

February 13, 2008. Forest, meeting at the Department for Farm Forestry discuss issues related to program 2008.

February 21, 2008. Forest, meeting at Forestry Department Corporate planning campaign on fire 2008. Link.

March 12, 2008. Forest, meeting at Forestry Department on job security in dell'antincendio.

July 2, 2008. Forestry workers' demonstration of the Province of Palermo. Link.

July 8, 2008. Forest, meeting with the Regional Councillor for Agriculture and Forestry.

July 10, 2008. Forestry letter of Do-Flai Uila of Sicily and Alderman Giovanni La Via regional meeting on the request of the forest dispute. Link.

July 23, 2008. Forestry meeting to guide the negotiation Cirla \u200b\u200b22:07:08. Link.

July 24, 2008. Palermo, strike of all workers in forestry.

July 31, 2008. Forestry. Result of the strike, 24. Agreement of July 31. (see "Memorandum of Understanding").

August 9, 2008. Negotiable Forestry, the government junta take over the economic. Press FLAI of Sicily. Link.

September 23, 2008. Forestry convened meeting at the headquarters of the Regional. Link.

September 25, 2008. Forestry note of the Secretary-General of the CGIL Flai Sicily, Salvatore Tripi on the meeting in recent days. Routes negotiations on forestry. Link.

October 1, 2008. Forest, meeting with the President of the region. Letter to the Prefect. Link.

October 2, 2008. Forestry Unit reported on breakdown of negotiations with the President of the Region of the forest. Link.

October 6, 2008. Forest, Press Unit of proclamation the general strike of the fund for 15 days. Link.

October 8, 2008. Forest, meeting at the Department continued to work Cirla \u200b\u200brenewal. Link.

October 9, 2008. Forestry Region-Understanding Unions suspended the strike on 15 October.
Score: Agreement of 09 October 2009. (see "Memorandum of Understanding").

October 10, 2008. Forestry to an agreement between the State and the unions. Link.

October 15, 2008. The strike is suspended. Link.

November 6, 2008. Forest, meeting at Regional Department of Agriculture for the establishment of the technical committee to define the law reforming the forestry sector. Link.

November 19, 2008. Forestry Department at the meeting by definition law reforming the forestry sector. Link.

November 20, 2008. Woodland Flai letter of Sicily on the meeting with the Councillor for Agriculture, 19. Link.

November 26, 2008. Forest, meeting at headquarters Councillor for continuing work on the technical board. Link.

December 3, 2008. Forestry Department at the meeting to continue work on the technical board.

December 9, 2008. Forestry technical panel convened for the reorganization of the forestry sector. Link.

February 11, 2009. Forestry convened meeting for the reorganization of the sector. Link.

February 13, 2009. Do-CISL, CGIL and Flai-Uila-Uil Sicily declared a state of agitation of agricultural and forestry. Link.

February 23, 2009. Forestry You can request a joint meeting, and Flai Uila Sicily Alderman Regional Agriculture on late payment of salary to workers. Link.

March 2, 2009. Forestry letter unitary Fai, Flai Uila of Sicily and meet the demand of institutions on the pending litigation. Link.

March 4, 2009. Palermo, Monday Make permanent garrison of the forest, and Flai Uila. Link

March 5, 2009. Palermo, forestry by Monday sit-in in front of Palazzo d'Orleans. Link.

March 6, 2009. Forest: permanent garrison workers in Palermo. Link.

April 2, 2009. Forest: Do the proposals, and Flai Uila on the sector and the regional meeting at the request of the Regional Government. Link

April 24, 2009. Palermo, protest of forestry workers for April 29, 2009. Link

April 30, 2009. Woodland unitary letter of notice of the general strike fund. Link

May 6, 2009. Forest, meeting at the premises of the Department. The meeting was adjourned. Link.

May 6, 2009. Forest, meeting demand for unified campaign starts on fire 2009. Link.

May 12, 2009. Forest, meeting at the premises of the Department. The meeting was adjourned. Link .

May 13, 2009. Forest, meeting at the premises of the Department. Link.

May 13, 2009. Forestry Meeting on forest fire service issues. Link.

May 14, 2009. Forest, meeting at the Presidency of the Region to the definition of the sector on forestry workers. Score: Agreement of 14 / 05. Link. (see "Memorandum of Understanding").

May 26, 2009. Forest, call for fire starting 2009 campaign. Link.

June 11, 2009. Forestry single meeting request to the President of Sicily Region. Link.

July 2, 2009. Palermo, garrison of forestry workers. Proclamation strike for 22 days. Link.

July 8, 2009. Letter Fai, Flai Uila of Sicily and the Hon. The Michael Cimino, Councillor Reg.le Agriculture and Forestry. Link.

July 8, 2009. Letter Fai, Flai Uila of Sicily and the Axis. Reg.le king job classifications on the training forest fire. Link.

July 10, 2009. Palermo: participation in the oversight of forestry workers. Link.

July 15, 2009. Forest, known Fai, and Flai Uila suspension of the general strike of 22. Link

July 20, 2009. Woodland Joint Meeting with the Ass. Reg.le king Agriculture for implementation issues "Protocol forestry workers. " Link.

July 28, 2009. Agreement of July 28. (see "Memorandum of Understanding).

August 27, 2009. Forestry, Fire call campaign. Link.

September 14, 2009. Forestry letter of the regional secretariats of Fai, Flai Uila and the proclamation of a strike fund for 30 days. Link.

September 29, 2009. Forest Service, signed the minutes of an agreement to suspend the general strike on 9/30/2009. Score: Agreement of September 29. (see See "Memorandum of Understanding").

October 12, 2009. Forest, technical board meeting regional integration of contract workers in the sector. Link.

October 21, 2009. Forest, call for contract renewal and regional integration. Link.

November 10, 2009. Woodland sit-in protest in front of the workers at the headquarters Councillor for Agriculture and Forestry. Link.

November 11, 2009. Forest, call for contract renewal regional integration work. Link.

December 1 2009. Woodland unitary point of calling for protest on 9 December. Link.

December 3, 2009. Woodland note Flai-CGIL Sicilia meeting on 12.2.2009 with the Councillor for the Budget. Link.

February 4, 2010. Meeting with Asst Reg Agriculture and Food on the forest sector issues and the various sectors of agriculture. Link.

February 17, 2010. Forestry meeting on bargaining unit Cirla \u200b\u200brenewal. Link.

February 23, 2010. Note unit to the Regional Bufardeci on forestry issues. Link.

March 16, 2010. Woodland request unitary Axis. Reg.Bufardeci King of the meeting on the outstanding issues. Link.

March 16, 2010. Forest, known unitary Hon. Savona request the hearing. Link.

March 31, 2010. Forest, known unitary outcome meeting with the Regional Government. Link.

April 7, 2010. Forestry letter of request to the leaders meeting unitary ARS. Link.

April 7, 2010. Woodland point unit for further request for a hearing Hon. Savona. Link.

April 13, 2010. Catania, Autoconvocate forestry workers. Link.

April 16, 2010. Forestry Make note of unity, and Flai Uila of Sicily after meeting with Bufardeci Asst. Link.

April 20, 2010. Forestry Autoconvocate sector workers in front of the ARS. Link.

April 22, 2010. Forestry letter of the regional secretariats unit Hon. Lombardo of the meeting request. Link.

April 22, 2010. Forestry note of the regional secretariats unit activation permanent garrison at the Presidency and the ARS of Palermo. Link.

May 4, 2010. Forestry Autoconvocate Fai, and Flai Uila Sicily campaign for opening fire and start-up of workers in the sector. Link.

May 5, 2010. Forest, signed agreement with the Ass. Reg Land, Mr Di Mauro campaign to start fire. Agreement of May 5. (see "Memorandum of Understanding").

May 11, 2010. Forestry letter of request of the regional secretariats to meet the Corporate Director Forests, Dr. Giglione. Link.

May 13, 2010. Forestry letter from the regional and provincial secretariats unit to Dr. Cianciolo, meeting for approval of the request lists fire. Link.

May 19, 2010. Forestry, informed the regional secretariats of the call to fight for the 26/05 initiative. Link.

May 24, 2010. Forest, known unit of the regional secretariats of suspension event May 26 at Land and Environment. Link.

May 28, 2010. Palermo, single letter of the provincial secretariats Fai, and Flai Uila Autoconvocate of forestry workers Tuesday, June 1st. Link.

June 28, 2010. Forestry Autoconvocate workers at the site before the Councillor for Agriculture Resources on 20 July. Link.

July 29, 2010. Forest, known unit of the regional secretariats on the meeting with the Hon. Bufardeci the. (see "Memorandum of Understanding").

July 30, 2010. Catania: Forestry, proclaimed a state of agitation. Link.

August 6, 2010. Forestry Autoconvocate of workers in the sector before the headquarters Department of Land and Environment. The letter.

August 23, 2010. Catania, forestry with sit-in press conference. The event was suspended. Link.

September 9, 2010. Note of the regional secretariats of Do-Flai and Uila on the meeting with the Regional Government. Link.

September 23, 2010. Forestry Autoconvocate workers in the sector before the Presidency of the Region.

October 1, 2010. Letter Fai, Flai Uila of Sicily and the new Regional Minister for Agriculture and Food Resources. Link.

October 5, 2010. Forestry single table meeting for continuation of confrontation with President Lombardi. Link.

November 17, 2010. Letter of Make, and Flai Uila Sicilian regional government to meet the request of the verification of the financial situation of the forestry sector. Link.

November 18, 2010. Fai, and Flai Uila Sicilian call occurs on the forest sector's financial situation. Link.

3 0 November 2010. Forestry signed Memorandum of Understanding with the Deputy Mayor D'Antrassi. Agreement of 30 November. (see "Memorandum of Understanding").

December 6, 2010. Palermo, forestry workers Autoconvocate fund for non-payment of arrears of contract. Link.

January 28, 2011. forestry workers, agreement between the Region and trade unions. Agreement of 28 January. (see "Memorandum of Understanding").

February 4, 2011. Forestry. Single letter of request to the meeting Councillors D'Antrassi, Sparma and Mr Lombardo. Link.

February 11, 2011. Forestry meeting with the United Forestry Company Reg. Link.

March 9, 2011. Forest, known unitary meeting with President of the Region. Link.

March 16, 2011. Palermo, Forestry: Forestry Department meeting. Link.

After left with a handful of flies
The story continues, it should continue, continue.


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