Friday, February 25, 2011

Where To Buy Sweatpants With Tight Ends

A boon for unions

earnings on compensation.

For trade unions forestry workers unemployed are manna from heaven a possible regularization of employment of approximately 30 000 workers would cause huge damage to the coffers of the confederations and all other names. Unions earn a total 11 million 500 thousand euro in terms of retention on unemployment benefit paid by INPS workers throughout the agricultural sector: 120 000 applications in total for a disbursement from the coffers of the pension fund of to € 302,566,888.
The part about the forest workers in the strict sense is exactly one quarter. But agriculture in Sicily is very strong entry into the phenomenon of rule dummy to make money on unemployment benefits.
this income is then added to the deduction of 1 percent of the worker union

Carmelo Abbate
Panorama 17/12/2009


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