It should be noted first that Eurppea the Union has not authorized any GMOs through the EU Council of Ministers, or the body in charge, who, lacking the legal majority, was never exposed to the risks of damage to health, long established ... We just have to find out "How bad will" and not "if" there will hurt GM.
Just as clear is the irreversible contamination of the environment by GMOs, clearly defined by DIR 2001/18/EC as inevitable, if released into the environment.
E 'for these reasons that, before introducing GMOs in Italy, you will see that a moratorium will be subject to national and European international, applying the precautionary principle and criteria for biosafety, which is the zero tolerance in seeds and food, to avoid risks to health and the environment. In addition to consumers are properly informed, a right guaranteed by the EU Court of Justice. Right now denied by the so-called thresholds (in) tolerance "without labeling (9 grams for each kilogram of food component)
E 'necessary, for the same reasons, bring the matter before the compulsory referendum before deciding to enter of GMOs into the environment. The rules are very clear in this direction (Dir. 2001/18/EC).
EFSA also now based his opinion "scientific" (?) (And non-binding) only on the data provided by Monsanto or other GMO-producing companies, which own Patent ... how to ask the landlord if the wine is good.
EFSA Regulation should therefore, as required by the EU Parliament, be revised with the inclusion of independent scientific advice.
It 'good to read in this sense the book Arpad Pusztat: The safety of GMOs - Edilibri Milan. We look forward to scientific rebuttals to the research cited in this book.
one on the "coexistence," a contradiction in terms, since there would be a GMO-free agriculture in the case of environmental release of transgenic crops, is also only a "recommendation" of the Commission, not binding, as explicitly mentioned also in the decision of the Council of State, that mean, according to some, to authorize the planting of GMOs in Italy.
It seems to me that the authorization of MON 810 maize seed in question has expired, and now it is not renewed, as the Minister Zaia, and Germany and France have made an abrupt about-face to that effect, on GMOs. Especially in the face of evidence of risks to health and the environment established by the independent research published in recent years.
And in any case is not a court of the body responsible for authorizing the planting of GMOs in Italy, as well as in Europe, it much less EFSA.
Barroso was clear a few days ago ... on GMOs in Europe applies the policy of "Pontius Pilate" ... and everyone does what he wants, applying the national safeguard clauses in case of risks to health and the environment, leading to bans on cultivation and import of GMOs.
Council also look at the Service Report (RAI 3) 1998 "The Gene Disfigured" by Carlo pizza ... in which, according to the Novartis executive interviewed with the ears (cobs) GMOs in hand, full of borer larvae "alive and well" ... GM's work even as the European corn borer moves across the grain in the ear, since the pesticide Bt toxin is expressed only in green parts of transgenic plants (GMOs) and, therefore, the corn borer damage on GMOs will increase or at best remain the same. Resulting in increased risk of development of mycotoxins in GM, which, as amply demonstrated, depends mainly on the lack of crop rotation (maize monoculture, which would simply be prohibited), the fact that it uses to collect the corn in the autumn, with high humidity and great waste of energy for kiln-dried, often too late. But above all, the famous mycotoxins develop in storage long (often years) of goods from bins Americans and Canadians, Argentines and Brazilians and transport in the holds of ships (often moldy) for long periods ... ... Obviously GMO corn and soy ...
addition, in Italy, the so-called European corn borer causes damage very limited, never exceeding the so-called economic thresholds of intervention and, therefore, no wasted money to treat the corn with chemical insecticides and, if you do need, you can use with their most successful Bacillus thuringiensis sprayed on plants and on the ears (panicles) at the appropriate time, or when Eggs hatch in order to kill small larvae before they do damage.
crops of genetically modified corn, however, are likely to trigger resistance against insect pests of Bt toxin, produced massively by the transgenic plants, which pollute the soil for years, as demonstrated by studies of MIPAAF. With serious risk of future damage increase of insects resistant to the BT (also reported by the same manufacturers of GMOs). So we may lose a valuable biotechnology microbiological insecticide that any country today can self-produce at low cost, without having to pay patent.
The consequence would be a future large-scale use of chemical pesticides.
Without taking into account that the best method, very effective and economical biological control of corn borers and rappresntato prior disclosure of beneficial insects, parasites of the eggs of the borer itself 100% effective, as demonstrated by numerous studies and applications on a large scale ( eg in China), for which the borer larvae even born ... And from eggs laid by the butterflies come out of the beneficial insects that eat it.
Nature, as it turned, We provide all the solutions ... Just apply.
Without wasting money on expensive cars and fuels treatments with chemical pesticides for the production of which is used also much oil.
short, GMOs represent a real failure for farmers premeditated ... risk of loss of food sovereignty of nations ... hence only poverty and hunger. Over 200,000 farmers are suicidatisi in India over the past 10 years, the failure of GM crops.
Consider also the fact that many weeds have become resistant Raundup, which would be the chemical herbicide sprayed on GM crops on a massive scale, absorbed in the seeds (soybean and maize, cotton, canola, etc.). plant GMO resistant to chemical desiccant total. Resulting in the accumulation and water.
Un'avvelenamento mass, which bio-accumulate in food chains and meat of animals fed with GMOs. This is demonstrated by the fact that the threshold of so-called threshold for "tolerance" desiccant chemical residues in food was significantly increased with the entry into the market of GMOs. A dangerous chemical, touted as biodegradable, however, deadly toxic to cells, according to a Swedish research responsibility, the epidemic of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (a blood cancer). Monsanto has received a heavy fine for misleading advertising and dangerous.
other Ce and plenty to say against GMOs.
In particular, it cited the horizontal gene transfer of transgenic DNA inserted in GMOs, very unstable and reactive, as foreign to the living species, which, therefore, diffuses into and along the food chain, going from micro-organisms to waters, the in the blood and digestive system. They found transgenic DNA is not digested in the fetuses of mice ... What will happen to the poor farm animals, for their "bad luck" are slaughtered young ... and especially to human beings ... Today more and more "slaughtered by Cancer?
Please note that the so-called genes (pieces of DNA manipulated), no microchips, and when you change the normal functioning of DNA, inserting extraneous parts, no one can ever predict what will happen in the GMO, with immeasurable risks to health and the environment.
and changes over time within the DNA, due to the natural instability of the GMO, Monsanto declared by itself, such as soybeans.
the way: how was it possible to patent what is it exactly reproducible stable, as genetic manipulation?
In short, the future seems to me that GM is far from rosy ... maybe you should get off the train before it crashes. Aiming to
Made in Italy to be auctioned international good food, organic, 100% GMO free
what he asks the market ...
... the free market (which practically does not exist today if not in direct relationship from producer to consumer)
where we are winning ... for "nature."
Nature that we want to save. A tradition
received an inheritance from fathers, but most of all ... borrow it from our Children.
greetings dear
Prof. Joseph Altieri, Agroecology
AGERNOVA Studio - Advanced Services for Agroecology and Research Center Viepri
Loc 15, 06056 Massa Martana (PG)
IVA 02322010543 tel 075-8947433 (347-4259872)
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
Home Made Sausage Stuffer Plans
we want to save for a Common Agricultural Policy in the name of food sovereignty
The year 2009 showed the extent of the difficulties they face
farmers and peasants of Europe. The milk is not the only production in farm income crisis and
fell almost anywhere. The current CAP and WTO, which
it is the picture, showed their inability to solve the problems that have made
even more serious: the farms disappear rapidly, unemployment is rising heavily
, hunger affects 1 billion people
human, the planet is warming, biodiversity disappears quickly
increase health damages due to the dominant patterns of production and consumption.
However, the EU does not seem willing to change the policy neolberista which
globalized our agriculture and our diet.
producers and consumers are the big losers while the benefits of agribusiness and large retailers
increase. If the EU does not move,
European agriculture is in danger and we can expect a social and environmental catastrophe: without
farmers, who feed the population? The failure of Copenhagen
shows that governments are shortsighted. The farmers need the European allies
up to defend a new society for agriculture and food policy. The 2010
must be the year of a broad public debate on EU priorities for the agriculture and food policy
post 2013
be redefined before deciding on the EU budget for the same periodo.l 'access to food for all: it is a global challenge for now and for decades to come
(1). The peasant agriculture is now recognized as one
can best respond to this challenge (2). Now it is neglected by
EU agricultural policies and the WTO for the benefit of corporate globalization.
The challenge is not technical but the access to agricultural production and access to food
Responding to the challenge of employment: rural peasants and many European
to feed Europe. While unemployment explodes in Europe, the EU can not continue to destroy their
companies (3) and its rural jobs.
maintain and establish farmers (e) requires the return to the agricultural sector
an economic and social recognition that it has lost to the current CAP
Reduce global warming and saving biodiversity. Will be enhanced braking
industrialization of agricultural production and livestock.
Farming practices and production patterns in favor of the climate and biodiversity are known
: implement significant break with the current model.
2. How Food Sovereignty responds to these challenges?
Sovereignty EU gives food to the population and the right to define its
agriculture and food policy starting from the needs of the same
population and its environment, not arising from international trade rules written in
ideology "free"-trade. For example it
EU ban the cultivation and import of GMOs (4) If the Europeans do not want them
, removing the possibility of preventing the WTO, the EU
it decide to move from a deficit of 75% vegetable protein -
to feed their farm animals - the independence of all possible
on our agricultural land and essential
to achieve important environmental goals. For this we should reassess the WTO Agreement of 1994. Food sovereignty
fixed agriculture as a priority, the first
produce to feed the population and not for international trade.
The EU, which has become the largest importer and the biggest exporter of food products
must therefore completely reassess its priorities. Export
milk powder while importing soybeans to feed cows,
going to produce fruit and vegetables - including organic - in the south because there is less
expensive labor, leading to the current social and environmental dead end. The
Food sovereignty, on the contrary, relocation
agricultural production near consumers.
Food sovereignty, peasants and farmers relying on a central role
feeding the population of their region, and gives them a sense of social legitimacy
they were often deprived of the current CAP. The
food sovereignty in fact opposed to the current concentration of
"power food" into the hands of industry and retailing.
The duties of political power, in this case the EU, set the
production, markets, distribution, taking into account all the actors
the food chain. Also the producers and consumers, as
practice more and more, shorten the chain with multiple forms of
more direct marketing. In this they should be encouraged by the agricultural and food policy
(PAAC) and health standards - today
- industrial products processed on the farm must be adapted to
same farms.
should not be misunderstood: the self-sufficiency and food sovereignty is not even a
withdraw within its borders. Does not oppose international trade
: each region has specific products that can
market, but food security is too important
to make it dependent on imports. In every region of the world based
shall remain, if possible, produced locally.
Each region must have the right to protect itself from cheap imports that
ruin their production.
Food sovereignty would not only establish a right but a duty,
to not bring harm to the economies of agricultural and food
other regions of the world. Any dumping, that is any help to export at a price below the cost of production
(5), must be prohibited. This is to aid
export and also for direct payments when they allow you to export and sell
at a price below production cost.
Food sovereignty is not just about the power of the population
present, but also that of future generations, because he wants
conservation of natural resources and the environment.
For this we should develop models of agricultural production that reduce emissions
agricultural greenhouse gas emissions, promote biodiversity and health.
By reducing transportation and changing patterns of production is too intensive
contribute to solving the climate and environmental challenges.
around the theme of food sovereignty in Europe
can meet those who are committed to change agricultural policy /
food and those who work for the relocation food. And 'this
the dynamics that will weigh on the direction of future agricultural policy.
3. A new PAAC to break with the current dead-ends (6):
Our goals: * To maintain and develop
peasant agriculture, and sustainable social
feed people, preserve the environment and health and preserve landscapes
rural living. For this reason, farmers and farmers must first be able to live
with the sale of their products, thanks to agricultural prices that are profitable and stable
. And 'necessary condition of their approval and economic
therefore also the attraction of young people in agricultural work.
* Reservation of government support to production patterns and to companies that create
use and benefit the environment. *
relocalization as much as possible the power supply and reduce the intrusiveness of
retail and industrial food chain.
Our priorities:
1.reddito, agricultural prices: agriculture remunerative and stable prices mean:
the Government of production, regulation of agricultural markets
transparency along the food chain, limiting the profit margins of
processing and distribution. To cope with surplus
economic conditions of production are fixed minimum prices.
The right to protection from cheap imports, including imports
for animal feed, goes hand in hand with the end of
export dumping, in all its forms today (7). The level of tariff protection
variable must be tied to the price of production
European (8).
Direct payments, compared to the number of workers, are being attributed to
small businesses, for their role in social and environmental (9), and enterprises handicapped by the regions sustainable
an agronomic point of view and
climate, why do they cost higher production compared to the reference
chosen in the previous paragraph.
Agricultural workers, or European immigrants enjoy the same rights.
States are obliged to set a minimum wage.
production rules to be respected by each company, reducing the use
energy, chemicals and water,
limiting the emission of carbon dioxide, which are conducive to biodiversity . Awards to be allocated to companies that respect these rules have
in behavior from the environmental and social (such as agriculture
organic farming), for example, farming practices that increase the rate of matter
organic soil, which store carbon in soil fertility and
ensure long-term are promoted and supported.
research and training are oriented in this direction.
3. The site and access to land
are facilitated by European and national measures that allow a greater number of young people becoming
peasants (e). The concentration and
the urbanization of agricultural lands are held.
4. A rural development policy,
supplementing the earlier measures, is established. It gives priority
rural use, the geographic balance of production, trade and local
to local services.
5. The current rules of international trade agricolo1sono called into question in the Doha round of WTO agreements
abandoned as 'free' exchange with third countries. Introduces a new governance
food worldwide, with new rules of international trade. It
based on food sovereignty and the right to food.
6. Producing and importing GMOs in agriculture and food production
are prohibited, as well as patents on life. The use, exchange and seed reproduction
farmers are encouraged.
7. The EU stops supporting the use and cultivation of industrial agro-fuels
The energy balance of the European agro-fuels is, in fact, negative and
worldwide: they compete with agricultural land or forests
dedicated to food. But energy independence
of companies can be enhanced by the use of compressed pure oil in place, starting from
oil grown in business or to neighbors.
The year 2009 showed the extent of the difficulties they face
farmers and peasants of Europe. The milk is not the only production in farm income crisis and
fell almost anywhere. The current CAP and WTO, which
it is the picture, showed their inability to solve the problems that have made
even more serious: the farms disappear rapidly, unemployment is rising heavily
, hunger affects 1 billion people
human, the planet is warming, biodiversity disappears quickly
increase health damages due to the dominant patterns of production and consumption.
However, the EU does not seem willing to change the policy neolberista which
globalized our agriculture and our diet.
producers and consumers are the big losers while the benefits of agribusiness and large retailers
increase. If the EU does not move,
European agriculture is in danger and we can expect a social and environmental catastrophe: without
farmers, who feed the population? The failure of Copenhagen
shows that governments are shortsighted. The farmers need the European allies
up to defend a new society for agriculture and food policy. The 2010
must be the year of a broad public debate on EU priorities for the agriculture and food policy
post 2013
be redefined before deciding on the EU budget for the same periodo.l 'access to food for all: it is a global challenge for now and for decades to come
(1). The peasant agriculture is now recognized as one
can best respond to this challenge (2). Now it is neglected by
EU agricultural policies and the WTO for the benefit of corporate globalization.
The challenge is not technical but the access to agricultural production and access to food
Responding to the challenge of employment: rural peasants and many European
to feed Europe. While unemployment explodes in Europe, the EU can not continue to destroy their
companies (3) and its rural jobs.
maintain and establish farmers (e) requires the return to the agricultural sector
an economic and social recognition that it has lost to the current CAP
Reduce global warming and saving biodiversity. Will be enhanced braking
industrialization of agricultural production and livestock.
Farming practices and production patterns in favor of the climate and biodiversity are known
: implement significant break with the current model.
2. How Food Sovereignty responds to these challenges?
Sovereignty EU gives food to the population and the right to define its
agriculture and food policy starting from the needs of the same
population and its environment, not arising from international trade rules written in
ideology "free"-trade. For example it
EU ban the cultivation and import of GMOs (4) If the Europeans do not want them
, removing the possibility of preventing the WTO, the EU
it decide to move from a deficit of 75% vegetable protein -
to feed their farm animals - the independence of all possible
on our agricultural land and essential
to achieve important environmental goals. For this we should reassess the WTO Agreement of 1994. Food sovereignty
fixed agriculture as a priority, the first
produce to feed the population and not for international trade.
The EU, which has become the largest importer and the biggest exporter of food products
must therefore completely reassess its priorities. Export
milk powder while importing soybeans to feed cows,
going to produce fruit and vegetables - including organic - in the south because there is less
expensive labor, leading to the current social and environmental dead end. The
Food sovereignty, on the contrary, relocation
agricultural production near consumers.
Food sovereignty, peasants and farmers relying on a central role
feeding the population of their region, and gives them a sense of social legitimacy
they were often deprived of the current CAP. The
food sovereignty in fact opposed to the current concentration of
"power food" into the hands of industry and retailing.
The duties of political power, in this case the EU, set the
production, markets, distribution, taking into account all the actors
the food chain. Also the producers and consumers, as
practice more and more, shorten the chain with multiple forms of
more direct marketing. In this they should be encouraged by the agricultural and food policy
(PAAC) and health standards - today
- industrial products processed on the farm must be adapted to
same farms.
should not be misunderstood: the self-sufficiency and food sovereignty is not even a
withdraw within its borders. Does not oppose international trade
: each region has specific products that can
market, but food security is too important
to make it dependent on imports. In every region of the world based
shall remain, if possible, produced locally.
Each region must have the right to protect itself from cheap imports that
ruin their production.
Food sovereignty would not only establish a right but a duty,
to not bring harm to the economies of agricultural and food
other regions of the world. Any dumping, that is any help to export at a price below the cost of production
(5), must be prohibited. This is to aid
export and also for direct payments when they allow you to export and sell
at a price below production cost.
Food sovereignty is not just about the power of the population
present, but also that of future generations, because he wants
conservation of natural resources and the environment.
For this we should develop models of agricultural production that reduce emissions
agricultural greenhouse gas emissions, promote biodiversity and health.
By reducing transportation and changing patterns of production is too intensive
contribute to solving the climate and environmental challenges.
around the theme of food sovereignty in Europe
can meet those who are committed to change agricultural policy /
food and those who work for the relocation food. And 'this
the dynamics that will weigh on the direction of future agricultural policy.
3. A new PAAC to break with the current dead-ends (6):
Our goals: * To maintain and develop
peasant agriculture, and sustainable social
feed people, preserve the environment and health and preserve landscapes
rural living. For this reason, farmers and farmers must first be able to live
with the sale of their products, thanks to agricultural prices that are profitable and stable
. And 'necessary condition of their approval and economic
therefore also the attraction of young people in agricultural work.
* Reservation of government support to production patterns and to companies that create
use and benefit the environment. *
relocalization as much as possible the power supply and reduce the intrusiveness of
retail and industrial food chain.
Our priorities:
1.reddito, agricultural prices: agriculture remunerative and stable prices mean:
the Government of production, regulation of agricultural markets
transparency along the food chain, limiting the profit margins of
processing and distribution. To cope with surplus
economic conditions of production are fixed minimum prices.
The right to protection from cheap imports, including imports
for animal feed, goes hand in hand with the end of
export dumping, in all its forms today (7). The level of tariff protection
variable must be tied to the price of production
European (8).
Direct payments, compared to the number of workers, are being attributed to
small businesses, for their role in social and environmental (9), and enterprises handicapped by the regions sustainable
an agronomic point of view and
climate, why do they cost higher production compared to the reference
chosen in the previous paragraph.
Agricultural workers, or European immigrants enjoy the same rights.
States are obliged to set a minimum wage.
production rules to be respected by each company, reducing the use
energy, chemicals and water,
limiting the emission of carbon dioxide, which are conducive to biodiversity . Awards to be allocated to companies that respect these rules have
in behavior from the environmental and social (such as agriculture
organic farming), for example, farming practices that increase the rate of matter
organic soil, which store carbon in soil fertility and
ensure long-term are promoted and supported.
research and training are oriented in this direction.
3. The site and access to land
are facilitated by European and national measures that allow a greater number of young people becoming
peasants (e). The concentration and
the urbanization of agricultural lands are held.
4. A rural development policy,
supplementing the earlier measures, is established. It gives priority
rural use, the geographic balance of production, trade and local
to local services.
5. The current rules of international trade agricolo1sono called into question in the Doha round of WTO agreements
abandoned as 'free' exchange with third countries. Introduces a new governance
food worldwide, with new rules of international trade. It
based on food sovereignty and the right to food.
6. Producing and importing GMOs in agriculture and food production
are prohibited, as well as patents on life. The use, exchange and seed reproduction
farmers are encouraged.
7. The EU stops supporting the use and cultivation of industrial agro-fuels
The energy balance of the European agro-fuels is, in fact, negative and
worldwide: they compete with agricultural land or forests
dedicated to food. But energy independence
of companies can be enhanced by the use of compressed pure oil in place, starting from
oil grown in business or to neighbors.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Watching Movies Off Usb
conventional and organic farming
A study conducted by the University of Pisa and Florence, shows that the energy balance between traditional agriculture and organic farming benefits the latter, which in particular makes much less use of fossil fuels. In contrast, however, its productivity is lower.
- Virginia Greek -
For the past nine years is ongoing at the Research Center "Enrico Avanzi", University of Pisa (in collaboration with the University of Florence), an experiment that compares the growing system traditional (ie, intensive), and biological, to evaluate the energy they bring.
have been spent on the project 24 hectares of land, 12 for each of the two types of agriculture. The crops are wheat and durum wheat, maize, faba bean and sunflower.
What the researchers have gone on to draw a proper energy balance for the different crops, ie have considered any kind of energy boost needed to get food from seed to field first. Are included in the computation, for example, the fuel used by machinery that plow the fields as well as the energy used to produce herbicides, fertilizers and pesticides.
The analysis led to the conclusion that the traditional cultivation involves a much higher energy than that required for organic farming.
"Considering only the energy from fossil fuels," said Marco Mazzoncini, Avanzini neodirettore Center in Pisa, for the traditional crops are about 21,000 MJ (megajoules) per hectare per year, while in the case of biological signals are needed only 12,000, a savings of approximately 50% of energy input into the system. "considerably higher consumption of traditional crops is derived from its massive use of chemicals. In terms of products to fertilize the soil and protect the crop from pests, conventional agriculture using the corresponding 14,103 MJ per year per hectare, while in biological recording a consumption of only 5,279 MJ: the latter, therefore, save 60%.
The difference is also reflected in the energy used for the use of machinery, but in this case (as a guess) it is very less significant: organic farming requires 6.625MJ 7.004MJ year per hectare against the conventional one.
Ultimately, the practice of organic farming saves a lot in energy used to "transform" the seed into food. This assessment, however, concerns only the inputs, ie the energy input into the system. To make a budget (which is what the researchers wanted to play Pisa) should also consider the flow of output, ie how much energy the system is able to provide the outside.
That seems just expressed an abstract concept, but in practical terms the flow of output indicates the potential nutrition of the final product. Wheat and maize are cultivated by those who used it ciberanno to produce energy, necessary to their survival and movement.
This energy can be estimated, and measurable (in MJ), just as you did for that input to the system (the rest on food labels is shown in the latter kilocalories of energy in joules and, in fact).
In terms of organic farming outputs unfortunately loses points and is bypassed by the conventional one, which is able to provide 153,730 MJ per year per hectare of cultivated land, compared to 126,512 MJ of organic. It is about a 20% difference in favor the classical system.
Looking at the percentage, the balance remains positive for organic farming, but not quite profitable as we would wish. If, therefore, turned to the biological system all world cultures, there would be a great saving of energy from fossil fuels, but is also found to lower production.
remains, however, that organic is a very efficient use of energy, ie with very limited waste. This fact produces a bit 'more than 1kg of food with 1MJ energy, while conventional agriculture have an average of only 0.3kg: the productivity index is therefore almost four times higher.
What then is the conclusion? In reality there is not a definitive: "You have two extremes," said Mazzoncini, "intensive agriculture on the one hand, other than biological. Think that the adoption of either would solve the problem of hunger in the world is an illusion. " According to the latest figures from FAO's hungry in the world were up 9% in 2009, reaching a peak of 1.02 billion, the highest recorded since 1970.
"The issue is complex," says the Center neodirettore Avanzini, "perhaps what we need is a paradigm change that, starting from agriculture, which involves the distribution system and the entire production chain. "
A study conducted by the University of Pisa and Florence, shows that the energy balance between traditional agriculture and organic farming benefits the latter, which in particular makes much less use of fossil fuels. In contrast, however, its productivity is lower.
- Virginia Greek -
For the past nine years is ongoing at the Research Center "Enrico Avanzi", University of Pisa (in collaboration with the University of Florence), an experiment that compares the growing system traditional (ie, intensive), and biological, to evaluate the energy they bring.
have been spent on the project 24 hectares of land, 12 for each of the two types of agriculture. The crops are wheat and durum wheat, maize, faba bean and sunflower.
What the researchers have gone on to draw a proper energy balance for the different crops, ie have considered any kind of energy boost needed to get food from seed to field first. Are included in the computation, for example, the fuel used by machinery that plow the fields as well as the energy used to produce herbicides, fertilizers and pesticides.
The analysis led to the conclusion that the traditional cultivation involves a much higher energy than that required for organic farming.
"Considering only the energy from fossil fuels," said Marco Mazzoncini, Avanzini neodirettore Center in Pisa, for the traditional crops are about 21,000 MJ (megajoules) per hectare per year, while in the case of biological signals are needed only 12,000, a savings of approximately 50% of energy input into the system. "considerably higher consumption of traditional crops is derived from its massive use of chemicals. In terms of products to fertilize the soil and protect the crop from pests, conventional agriculture using the corresponding 14,103 MJ per year per hectare, while in biological recording a consumption of only 5,279 MJ: the latter, therefore, save 60%.
The difference is also reflected in the energy used for the use of machinery, but in this case (as a guess) it is very less significant: organic farming requires 6.625MJ 7.004MJ year per hectare against the conventional one.
Ultimately, the practice of organic farming saves a lot in energy used to "transform" the seed into food. This assessment, however, concerns only the inputs, ie the energy input into the system. To make a budget (which is what the researchers wanted to play Pisa) should also consider the flow of output, ie how much energy the system is able to provide the outside.
That seems just expressed an abstract concept, but in practical terms the flow of output indicates the potential nutrition of the final product. Wheat and maize are cultivated by those who used it ciberanno to produce energy, necessary to their survival and movement.
This energy can be estimated, and measurable (in MJ), just as you did for that input to the system (the rest on food labels is shown in the latter kilocalories of energy in joules and, in fact).
In terms of organic farming outputs unfortunately loses points and is bypassed by the conventional one, which is able to provide 153,730 MJ per year per hectare of cultivated land, compared to 126,512 MJ of organic. It is about a 20% difference in favor the classical system.
Looking at the percentage, the balance remains positive for organic farming, but not quite profitable as we would wish. If, therefore, turned to the biological system all world cultures, there would be a great saving of energy from fossil fuels, but is also found to lower production.
remains, however, that organic is a very efficient use of energy, ie with very limited waste. This fact produces a bit 'more than 1kg of food with 1MJ energy, while conventional agriculture have an average of only 0.3kg: the productivity index is therefore almost four times higher.
What then is the conclusion? In reality there is not a definitive: "You have two extremes," said Mazzoncini, "intensive agriculture on the one hand, other than biological. Think that the adoption of either would solve the problem of hunger in the world is an illusion. " According to the latest figures from FAO's hungry in the world were up 9% in 2009, reaching a peak of 1.02 billion, the highest recorded since 1970.
"The issue is complex," says the Center neodirettore Avanzini, "perhaps what we need is a paradigm change that, starting from agriculture, which involves the distribution system and the entire production chain. "
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Becoming A Dental Hygienist Canada
Taste naked "Fair of the tenants' 24-25 April 2010 Bologna
24 & 25 April 2010 BOLOGNA
" When the classical world will be exhausted when they're dead, all peasants and all the craftsmen, when there are no more fireflies , bees, butterflies, when the industry has made relentless cycle of production, then our history will be over "(1962) PP Pasolini
With this we come 2010 the fourth edition of Taste Nude, an event that a child born at the experimental experience has managed to dig their own credibility on the national scene ... .. think about it and even internationally, given the experience in Berlin last November
again this year so we are ready to bring our to Bologna Fair.
Fair than in previous editions had as its corollary the words "independent of the tenants," This year we want to change, why not disclaim our history and even our beliefs, we still believe that the concept of independent winemaker is key to a relationship I see the fruitful collaboration in production volume with that of land conservation and landscape. We believe at the same time that this "movement" of independent winemakers, wine producers of natural and events that support both at a crossroads. The market, the big one, the company's business of large retailers are in a confident way of appropriating and realizing value that represents this movement, and unfortunately we do not mean talking about value to the cultural value but to the merely monetary.
We therefore propose to you tenants, key players in this important and exciting season for the Italian agriculture to join a new concept. From this year will be called Taste Nude "exhibition of Winegrowers Heretics. "
Heretics why not available to come to terms with the liberal doctrine, heretics because they believe that the respect of the land is inseparable from respect for the man, be it consumer or employee in the work in the vineyard and winery, in defending heretics because steel the character of its product by the type of mass distribution, heretics because we are convinced that biodiversity is a treasure that belongs to nature at 360 °, from the flora of the landscape of humanity.
We want to create a meeting of tenants that we like to call "heretics" because we refer to the semantics of this term, where heresy means ability to choose between options, and strength in affirming their convictions. We do not believe and do not suggest you or martyrdom, or the risk of the indexing of your work, but we are convinced that a group of men and women, producers, convinced that it is necessary to relaunch a political proposal, peasant and human person's relationship 'Industry, can stand as a viable alternative to the hegemony blind cross mercato.Vogliamo offer consumers and lovers of food and wine, a meeting of cultures and knowledge that refuse to quit in their autonomy or typical, but they confront, accept and will thus become harbingers of joy in their simplicity.
With this appointment, with those that follow and then we create spaces for comparison, for imagination and dreams, and also for the acquisition of el'autorganizzazione new market space. Yes, finally independent.
We invite you to Bologna on 24 and 25 April, from 15 to 21, in the former convent of San Leonardo in Bolognetti Lane 2, Bologna, space is an ancient cloister of the 600 site in the old city, logistical situation that allows - in our view - a nice use of the event by all participants.
During the fair will of course possible to sell their products
Hoping to have whetted your appetite to attend and with the desire to suffer and we could see again soon to better define your presence will extend our heartiest regards.
fee for both days, 70 €, the fee includes Saturday dinner and Sunday lunch.
If you need a bed in Bologna for the night of April 24 we have agreements with some hotels near the area where the event will be held. Please inform us as soon as possible to your needs, keeping in mind that we will ask you 40 € per person for the night to add to the company's share.
24 & 25 April 2010 BOLOGNA
" When the classical world will be exhausted when they're dead, all peasants and all the craftsmen, when there are no more fireflies , bees, butterflies, when the industry has made relentless cycle of production, then our history will be over "(1962) PP Pasolini
With this we come 2010 the fourth edition of Taste Nude, an event that a child born at the experimental experience has managed to dig their own credibility on the national scene ... .. think about it and even internationally, given the experience in Berlin last November
again this year so we are ready to bring our to Bologna Fair.
Fair than in previous editions had as its corollary the words "independent of the tenants," This year we want to change, why not disclaim our history and even our beliefs, we still believe that the concept of independent winemaker is key to a relationship I see the fruitful collaboration in production volume with that of land conservation and landscape. We believe at the same time that this "movement" of independent winemakers, wine producers of natural and events that support both at a crossroads. The market, the big one, the company's business of large retailers are in a confident way of appropriating and realizing value that represents this movement, and unfortunately we do not mean talking about value to the cultural value but to the merely monetary.
We therefore propose to you tenants, key players in this important and exciting season for the Italian agriculture to join a new concept. From this year will be called Taste Nude "exhibition of Winegrowers Heretics. "
Heretics why not available to come to terms with the liberal doctrine, heretics because they believe that the respect of the land is inseparable from respect for the man, be it consumer or employee in the work in the vineyard and winery, in defending heretics because steel the character of its product by the type of mass distribution, heretics because we are convinced that biodiversity is a treasure that belongs to nature at 360 °, from the flora of the landscape of humanity.
We want to create a meeting of tenants that we like to call "heretics" because we refer to the semantics of this term, where heresy means ability to choose between options, and strength in affirming their convictions. We do not believe and do not suggest you or martyrdom, or the risk of the indexing of your work, but we are convinced that a group of men and women, producers, convinced that it is necessary to relaunch a political proposal, peasant and human person's relationship 'Industry, can stand as a viable alternative to the hegemony blind cross mercato.Vogliamo offer consumers and lovers of food and wine, a meeting of cultures and knowledge that refuse to quit in their autonomy or typical, but they confront, accept and will thus become harbingers of joy in their simplicity.
With this appointment, with those that follow and then we create spaces for comparison, for imagination and dreams, and also for the acquisition of el'autorganizzazione new market space. Yes, finally independent.
We invite you to Bologna on 24 and 25 April, from 15 to 21, in the former convent of San Leonardo in Bolognetti Lane 2, Bologna, space is an ancient cloister of the 600 site in the old city, logistical situation that allows - in our view - a nice use of the event by all participants.
During the fair will of course possible to sell their products
Hoping to have whetted your appetite to attend and with the desire to suffer and we could see again soon to better define your presence will extend our heartiest regards.
fee for both days, 70 €, the fee includes Saturday dinner and Sunday lunch.
If you need a bed in Bologna for the night of April 24 we have agreements with some hotels near the area where the event will be held. Please inform us as soon as possible to your needs, keeping in mind that we will ask you 40 € per person for the night to add to the company's share.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Free Church Condolences
Sorgentedelvinolive Agazzano 2010 (PC) March 6-7-8
The second edition of Sorgentedelvino Live - Exhibition of natural wines of tradition and territory will take place at Castle Agazzano (PC) from Saturday 6 to Monday, March 8, 2010.
In these three days you can meet the producers of natural wines, tradition and territory, and taste the fruits of their labor and their land, buy the wines directly from the manufacturer as it is in the spirit of
three days when the undisputed star is the wine, its history, its tradition, its land and especially its "original course."
This second edition sees the presence of 100 manufacturers from the most important wine regions of Italy as well as by micro-zones are able to deliver unique and unrepeatable wines still to be discovered ...
Sorgentedelvino Live wants to promote it and bring out the uniqueness of those wines born from the awareness of an area and this requires discipline: environmental protection and cultivation of vineyards, compared with the time needed because a wine is really cutting edge in a specific geographic area. And so we keep going
ideally and in practice that the path outlined by Gino Veronelli and those like him believe in the proposal of the wines true, of those wines that are able to pass the "song of the earth and the soul of the winemaker." ...
Among the producers present you point out some Vinix goers: the Botri Ghiaccioforte, Bressan, alias John Scarfone Bonavita, Poggio al Toro ... surely forget someone!
I hope to see some of the people here!
All practical information on the site
The second edition of Sorgentedelvino Live - Exhibition of natural wines of tradition and territory will take place at Castle Agazzano (PC) from Saturday 6 to Monday, March 8, 2010.
In these three days you can meet the producers of natural wines, tradition and territory, and taste the fruits of their labor and their land, buy the wines directly from the manufacturer as it is in the spirit of
three days when the undisputed star is the wine, its history, its tradition, its land and especially its "original course."
This second edition sees the presence of 100 manufacturers from the most important wine regions of Italy as well as by micro-zones are able to deliver unique and unrepeatable wines still to be discovered ...
Sorgentedelvino Live wants to promote it and bring out the uniqueness of those wines born from the awareness of an area and this requires discipline: environmental protection and cultivation of vineyards, compared with the time needed because a wine is really cutting edge in a specific geographic area. And so we keep going
ideally and in practice that the path outlined by Gino Veronelli and those like him believe in the proposal of the wines true, of those wines that are able to pass the "song of the earth and the soul of the winemaker." ...
Among the producers present you point out some Vinix goers: the Botri Ghiaccioforte, Bressan, alias John Scarfone Bonavita, Poggio al Toro ... surely forget someone!
I hope to see some of the people here!
All practical information on the site
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